ESA 2024


The European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA) is one of the premier conferences on algorithms and is a part of ALGO 2024, to be held at Royal Holloway, University of London in Egham, United Kingdom.

Important Dates (all tracks)

  • Paper submission deadline: 22 April, 23:59 AoE (EasyChair submission system)
  • Notification: 23 June
  • Camera ready: 30 June
  • Conference: 2-4 September

Call for Papers

The symposium seeks original algorithmic contributions for problems with relevant theoretical and/or practical applications. Papers with a strong emphasis on the theoretical analysis of algorithms should be submitted to Track A, while papers reporting on the results of extensive experimental evaluations and/or providing original contributions to the engineering of algorithms for practical applications should be submitted to Track B. Submissions that prove or explain results, possibly already known, in a particularly clear, simple or elegant way should be submitted to Track S. There will be a Best Student Paper Award as well as a Best Paper Award, both sponsored by EATCS. In order for a paper to be considered for the Best Student Paper Award, all of its authors are required to be students at the time of submission.

Paper Submission and Proceedings

Papers should be submitted electronically via the EasyChair submission system. The ESA 2024 proceedings will be published in the Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs) series.

Submission Guidelines

Authors are invited to submit an extended abstract or full paper of at most 12 pages excluding the title page (consisting of title and abstract), references, and an optional appendix. We recommend, but do not strictly require, making your initial submission adhere to LIPIcs publication guidelines. If not using LIPIcs style, the submission should be typeset using a 10-point or larger font in a single-column format with ample spacing throughout and 2cm margins all around on A4-size paper. Proofs omitted due to space constraints must be placed in an appendix. This appendix can even comprise an entire full version of the paper. The appendix will be read by the program committee members at their discretion. In particular, appendices of accepted papers are not going to be published in the proceedings. The main part of the submission should therefore contain a clear technical presentation of the merits of the paper, including a discussion of the paper’s importance within the context of prior work and a description of the key technical and conceptual ideas used to achieve its main claims. These guidelines are strict: submissions deviating significantly from these guidelines risk being rejected without consideration of their merits. Papers should be submitted electronically via the EasyChair submission system. Results previously published (or scheduled for publication) in another conference proceedings or journal will not be accepted at ESA. Simultaneous submission to other conferences with published proceedings, journals, or to multiple tracks of ESA 2024, is also not permitted. By submitting a paper the authors acknowledge that in case of acceptance, at least one of the authors must register at ALGO 2024, attend the conference on-site and present the paper. Papers with no author fulfilling this requirement may risk being removed from the final conference proceedings (unless there are extenuating circumstances).

Double-Blind Reviewing

The conference will employ a lightweight double-blind reviewing process. Submissions should not reveal the identity of the authors in any way. In particular, authors’ names, affiliations, and email addresses should not appear at the beginning or in the body of the submission. Authors should ensure that any references to their own related work is in the third person (e.g., not “We build on our previous work …” but rather “We build on the work of …”). The purpose of the double-blind reviewing is to help PC members and external reviewers come to an initial judgement about the paper without bias, not to make it impossible for them to discover the authors if they were to try. Nothing should be done in the name of anonymity that weakens the submission or makes the job of reviewing the paper more difficult. In particular, important references should not be omitted or anonymized. In addition, authors should feel free to disseminate their ideas or draft versions of their paper as they normally would. For example, authors may post drafts of their papers on the web, submit them to arXiv, and give talks on their research ideas. In case there exist publicly available versions of the submission online, the authors might mention this in their submission (without providing references/links), and briefly explain the differences if any. Alternatively, they might communicate the details to the chairs, who will keep them confidential unless revealing them to the PC is needed for a fair judgement. Authors with further questions on double-blind reviewing are encouraged to contact the PC chairs.

When submitting a paper, please indicate Conflict of Interest (CoI) with PC members. A CoI is limited to the following categories:

  1. Family member or close friend.
  2. Ph.D. advisor or advisee (no time limit), or postdoc or undergraduate mentor or mentee within the past 5 years.
  3. Person with the same affiliation.
  4. Involved in an alleged incident of harassment. (It is not required that the incident be reported.)
  5. Reviewer owes author a favor (e.g., recently requested a reference letter).
  6. Frequent or recent collaborator whom you believe cannot objectively review your work.

PC Submissions

Submissions authored or co-authored by members of the program committee are allowed.


Papers presenting original research in all areas of algorithmic research are sought, including but not limited to:

  • Algorithm engineering
  • Algorithmic aspects of networks
  • Algorithmic game theory
  • Algorithmic data science
  • Approximation algorithms
  • Computational biology
  • Computational finance
  • Computational geometry
  • Combinatorial optimization
  • Data compression
  • Data structures
  • Databases and information retrieval
  • Distributed and parallel computing
  • Graph algorithms
  • Hierarchical memories
  • Heuristics and meta-heuristics
  • Mathematical programming
  • Mobile computing
  • Online algorithms
  • Parameterized algorithms
  • Pattern matching
  • Quantum computing
  • Randomized algorithms
  • Scheduling and resource allocation problems
  • Streaming algorithms

Invited Speakers

  • Vincent Cohen-Addad, Google Research, France
  • Eva Rotenberg, Technical University of Denmark

Accepted Papers

  • Zeev Nutov. Parameterized algorithms for node connectivity augmentation problems
  • Matthew Ding and Jason Li. Deterministic Minimum Steiner Cut in Maximum Flow Time
  • Gruia Calinescu and Sumedha Uniyal. Local Optimization Algorithms for Maximum Planar Subgraph
  • Gregory Schwartzman. Local Max-Cut on Sparse Graphs
  • Jana Cslovjecsek, Michał Pilipczuk and Karol Węgrzycki. Parameterized Approximation for Maximum Weight Independent Set of Rectangles and Segments
  • Zipei Nie and Hang Zhou. Euclidean Capacitated Vehicle Routing in the Random Setting: A 1.55-Approximation Algorithm
  • Karl Bringmann, Anita Dürr and Adam Polak. Even Faster Knapsack via Rectangular Monotone Min-Plus Convolution and Balancing
  • Kevin Buchin, Maike Buchin, Joachim Gudmundsson and Sampson Wong. Bicriteria approximation for minimum dilation graph augmentation
  • Khalid Hourani, William K. Moses Jr. and Gopal Pandurangan. Towards Communication-Efficient Peer-to-Peer Networks
  • Lech Duraj, Filip Konieczny and Krzysztof Potępa. Better Diameter Algorithms for Bounded VC-dimension Graphs and Geometric Intersection Graphs
  • Yuni Iwamasa, Yusuke Kobayashi and Kenjiro Takazawa. Finding a Maximum Restricted $t$-Matching via Boolean Edge-CSP
  • Loïc Dubois. Making Multicurves Cross Minimally on Surfaces
  • Yuhang Bai, Kristóf Bérczi, Gergely Csáji and Tamás Schwarcz. Approximating maximum-size properly colored forests
  • Paloma de Lima, Martin Milanič, Peter Muršič, Karolina Okrasa, Paweł Rzążewski and Kenny Štorgel. Tree decompositions meet induced matchings: beyond Max Weight Independent Set
  • Toru Yoshinaga and Yasushi Kawase. The Last Success Problem with Samples
  • Henrik Reinstädtler, Christian Schulz and Bora Uçar. Engineering Edge Orientation Algorithms
  • Alexander Naumann, Annika Bonerath and Jan-Henrik Haunert. Many-to-Many Polygon Matching à la Jaccard
  • Ahmad Biniaz. Art Galleries and Mobile Guards: Revisiting O’Rourke’s Proof
  • Pankaj Agarwal, Esther Ezra and Micha Sharir. Lower Envelopes of Surface Patches in 3-Space
  • Pankaj K Agarwal, Haim Kaplan, Matthew J. Katz and Micha Sharir. Segment Proximity Graphs and Nearest Neighbor Queries amid Disjoint Segments
  • Evgeniy Feder, Anton Paramonov, Pavel Mavrin, Iosif Salem, Vitaly Aksenov and Stefan Schmid. Toward Self-Adjusting k-ary Search Tree Networks
  • Max Dupré La Tour, Monika Henzinger and David Saulpic. Fully Dynamic k-Means Coreset in Near-Optimal Update Time
  • Timothy Randolph and Karol Węgrzycki. Parameterized Algorithms on Integer Sets with Small Doubling: Integer Programming, Subset Sum and k-SUM
  • Enver Aman, Karthik C. S. and Sharath Punna. On connections between k-coloring and Euclidean k-means
  • Vikrant Ashvinkumar, Aaron Bernstein, Nairen Cao, Christoph Grunau, Bernhard Haeupler, Yonggang Jiang, Danupon Nanongkai and Hsin Hao Su. Parallel, Distributed, and Quantum Exact Single-Source Shortest Paths with Negative Edge Weights
  • Sayan Bhattacharya, Martin Costa, Nadav Panski and Shay Solomon. Density-Sensitive Algorithms for $(\Delta + 1)$-Edge Coloring
  • Sonja Kraiczy and Edith Elkind. A Lower Bound for Local Search Proportional Approval Voting
  • Mohit Garg, Debajyoti Kar and Arindam Khan. Random-Order Online Independent Set of Intervals and Hyperrectangles
  • Hideo Bannai, Mitsuru Funakoshi, Diptarama Hendrian, Myuji Matsuda and Simon Puglisi. Height-bounded Lempel-Ziv encodings
  • Gerth Stølting Brodal, Rolf Fagerberg and Casper Rysgaard. On Finding Longest Palindromic Subsequences using Longest Common Subsequences
  • Aranya Banerjee, Daniel Gibney and Sharma V. Thankachan. Longest Common Substring with Gaps and Related Problems
  • Matthew J. Katz, Rachel Saban and Micha Sharir. Near-linear algorithms for visibility graphs over a 1.5-dimensional terrain
  • Qisheng Wang and Zhicheng Zhang. Time-Efficient Quantum Entropy Estimator via Samplizer
  • Tatiana Belova, Nikolai Chukhin, Alexander Kulikov and Ivan Mihajlin. Improved Space Bounds for Subset Sum
  • Klaus Heeger and Danny Hermelin. Minimizing the Weighted Number of Tardy Jobs is W[1]-hard
  • Shimon Kogan and Merav Parter. The Algorithmic Power of the Greene-Kleitman Theorem
  • Amit Chakrabarti, Andrew McGregor and Anthony Wirth. Improved Algorithms for Maximum Coverage in Dynamic and Random Order Streams
  • Davide Bilò, Luciano Gualà, Stefano Leucci and Alessandro Straziota. Graph Spanners for Group Steiner Distances
  • Pu Wu, Huanyu Gu, Huiqin Jiang, Zehui Shao and Jin Xu. A faster algorithm for $4$-coloring problem
  • Justin Kim, Rahul Varki, Marco Oliva and Christina Boucher. Recursive RePair: Increasing the Scalability of RePair by Decreasing Memory Usage
  • Konstantinos Dogeas, Thomas Erlebach and Ya-Chun Liang. Scheduling with Obligatory Tests
  • Shinwoo An, Eunjin Oh and Jie Xue. Sparse Outerstring Graphs Have Logarithmic Treewidth
  • Dvir Fried, Tsvi Kopelowitz and Ely Porat. Removing the log Factor From (min,+)-Products on Bounded Range Integer Matrices
  • Baris Can Esmer, Jacob Focke, Dániel Marx and Paweł Rzążewski. List Homomorphisms by Deleting Edges and Vertices: Tight Complexity Bounds for Bounded-Treewidth Graphs
  • Shimon Kogan and Merav Parter. Giving Some Slack: Shortcuts and Transitive Closure Compressions
  • Amir Abboud, Tomer Grossman, Moni Naor and Tomer Solomon. From Donkeys to Kings in Tournaments
  • George Osipov, Marcin Pilipczuk and Magnus Wahlström. Parameterized Complexity of MinCSP over the Point Algebra
  • Zhiyi Huang, Zahra Parsaeian and Zixuan Zhu. Laminar Matroid Secretary: Greedy Strikes Back
  • Nathan Wallheimer and Amir Abboud. Worst-Case to Expander-Case Reductions: Derandomized and Generalized
  • Kou Hamada, Sankardeep Chakraborty, Seungbum Jo, Takuto Koriyama, Kunihiko Sadakane and Srinivasa Rao Satti. A Simple Representation of Tree Covering Utilizing Balanced Parentheses and Efficient Implementation of Average-Case Optimal RMQs
  • Yann Disser, Svenja M. Griesbach, Max Klimm and Annette Lutz. Bicriterial Approximation for the Incremental Prize-Collecting Steiner-Tree Problem
  • Bingbing Hu, Evangelos Kosinas and Adam Polak. Connectivity Oracles for Predictable Vertex Failures
  • Julia Baligacs, Yann Disser, Andreas Emil Feldmann and Anna Zych-Pawlewicz. A (5/3+\varepsilon)-Approximation Algorithm for Tricolored Non-crossing Euclidean TSP
  • Cornelius Brand, Martin Koutecky, Alexandra Lassota and Sebastian Ordyniak. Separable Convex Mixed-Integer Optimization: Improved Algorithms and Lower Bounds
  • Mikkel Abrahamsen, Ioana O. Bercea, Lorenzo Beretta, Jonas Klausen and László Kozma. Online sorting and online TSP: randomized, stochastic, and high-dimensional
  • Konrad Majewski, Michał Pilipczuk and Anna Zych-Pawlewicz. Parameterized dynamic data structure for Split Completion
  • Jacob Focke, Fabian Frei, Shaohua Li, Dániel Marx, Philipp Schepper, Roohani Sharma and Karol Węgrzycki. Hitting Meets Packing: How Hard Can it Be?
  • Sebastian Angrick, Ben Bals, Tobias Friedrich, Hans Gawendowicz, Niko Hastrich, Nicolas Klodt, Pascal Lenzner, Jonas Schmidt, George Skretas and Armin Wells. How to Reduce Temporal Cliques to Find Sparse Spanners
  • Stefan Hermann, Hans-Peter Lehmann, Giulio Ermanno Pibiri, Peter Sanders and Stefan Walzer. PHOBIC: Perfect Hashing with Optimized Bucket sizes and Interleaved Coding
  • Bart M. P. Jansen and Céline Swennenhuis. Steiner Tree Parameterized by Multiway Cut and Even Less
  • Lars Gottesbüren, Nikos Parotsidis and Maximilian Probst Gutenberg. Practical Expander Decomposition
  • Fritz Bökler, Markus Chimani, Henning Jasper and Mirko H. Wagner. Exact Minimum Weight Spanners via Column Generation
  • Karl Bringmann, Ahmed Ghazy and Marvin Künnemann. Exploring the Approximability Landscape of 3SUM
  • Cezar-Mihail Alexandru and Christian Konrad. Interval Selection in Sliding Windows
  • Kristóf Bérczi, Karthekeyan Chandrasekaran, Tamás Király and Shubhang Kulkarni. Hypergraph Connectivity Augmentation in Strongly Polynomial Time
  • Felipe de C. Pereira, Pedro J. de Rezende, Tallys Yunes and Luiz F. B. Morato. A Row Generation Algorithm for Finding Optimal Burning Sequences of Large Graphs
  • Lotte Blank and Anne Driemel. A faster algorithm for the Fréchet distance in 1D for the imbalanced case
  • Emily Fox. A simple deterministic near-linear time approximation scheme for transshipment with arbitrary positive edge costs
  • Zsuzsanna Liptak, Francesco Masillo and Gonzalo Navarro. A Textbook Solution for Dynamic Strings
  • Gruia Calinescu, Sami Davies, Samir Khuller and Shirley Zhang. Online Flexible Busy Time Scheduling on Heterogeneous Machines
  • Sally Dong and Guanghao Ye. Faster Min-Cost Flow and Approximate Tree Decomposition on Bounded Treewidth Graphs
  • Slobodan Mitrović, Ronitt Rubinfeld and Mihir Singhal. Locally computing edge orientations
  • Nils Fleischhacker, Kasper Green Larsen, Maciej Obremski and Mark Simkin. Invertible Bloom Lookup Tables with Less Memory and Randomness
  • Itai Boneh, Shay Golan and Arseny Shur. String 2-Covers with No Length Restrictions
  • Tatsuya Terao and Ryuhei Mori. Parameterized Quantum Query Algorithms for Graph Problems
  • Florian Kurpicz, Pascal Mehnert, Peter Sanders and Matthias Schimek. Scalable Distributed String Sorting
  • Dylan Hyatt-Denesik, Afrouz Jabal Ameli and Laura Sanita. Improved Approximations for Flexible Network Design
  • Svenja M. Griesbach, Max Klimm, Philipp Warode and Theresa Ziemke. Optimizing Throughput and Makespan of Queuing Systems by Information Design
  • Elfarouk Harb, Zhengcheng Huang and Da Wei Zheng. Shortest Path Separators in Unit Disk Graphs
  • Chandra Chekuri, Rhea Jain, Shubhang Kulkarni, Da Wei Zheng and Weihao Zhu. From Directed Steiner Tree to Directed Polymatroid Steiner Tree in Planar Graphs
  • Karthik Murali, Therese Biedl and Prosenjit Bose. A Parameterized Algorithm for Vertex and Edge Connectivity of Embedded Graphs
  • S M Ferdous, Bhargav Samineni, Alex Pothen, Mahantesh Halappanavar and Bala Krishnamoorthy. Semi-Streaming Algorithms for Weighted k-Disjoint Matchings
  • Samuel McCauley. Improved Space-Efficient Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search Using Function Inversion
  • Rajmohan Rajaraman and Omer Wasim. Competitive Capacitated Online Recoloring
  • Dipan Dey and Manoj Gupta. Near Optimal Dual Fault Tolerant Distance Oracle
  • Jean-Daniel Boissonnat and Kunal Dutta. A Euclidean Embedding for Computing Persistent Homology with Gaussian Kernels
  • Chandra Chekuri and Rhea Jain. Approximation Algorithms for Hop Constrained and Buy-at-Bulk Network Design via Hop Constrained Oblivious Routing
  • Prantar Ghosh and Sahil Kuchlous. New Algorithms and Lower Bounds for Streaming Tournaments
  • Michael Zlatin and Daniel Hathcock. Approximation Algorithms for Steiner Connectivity Augmentation
  • Kaito Harada, Naoki Kitamura, Taisuke Izumi and Toshimitsu Masuzawa. A Nearly Linear Time Construction of Approximate Single-Source Distance Sensitivity Oracles
  • Vittorio Bilo, Evangelos Markakis and Cosimo Vinci. Achieving Envy-Freeness through Items Sale
  • Pawel Gawrychowski and Mateusz Wasylkiewicz. Finding perfect matchings in bridgeless cubic multigraphs without dynamic (2-)connectivity
  • Justin Dallant, Frederik Haagensen, Riko Jacob, László Kozma and Sebastian Wild. An Optimal Randomized Algorithm for Finding the Saddlepoint
  • Gabriel Bathie, Panagiotis Charalampopoulos and Tatiana Starikovskaya. Longest Common Extensions with Wildcards: Trade-off and Applications
  • Vipul Arora, Arnab Bhattacharyya, Mathews Boban, Venkatesan Guruswami and Esty Kelman. Outlier Robust Multivariate Polynomial Regression
  • Gabriel Bathie, Panagiotis Charalampopoulos and Tatiana Starikovskaya. Pattern Matching with Mismatches and Wildcards
  • Ivor van der Hoog, Irene Parada and Eva Rotenberg. Dynamic Embeddings of Dynamic Single-Source Upward Planar Graphs
  • Rohit Gurjar, Taihei Oki and Roshan Raj. Fractional Linear Matroid Matching is in quasi-NC
  • Alexander Leonhardt, Ulrich Meyer and Manuel Penschuck. Insights into (k,ρ)-shortcutting algorithms
  • Mingyu Xiao. Solving Directed Multiway Cut Faster Than 2^n
  • Henning Martin Woydt, Christian Komusiewicz and Frank Sommer. SubModST: A Fast Generic Solver for Submodular Maximization with Size Constraints
  • Aritra Banik, Fedor Fomin, Petr Golovach, Tanmay Inamdar, Satyabrata Jana and Saket Saurabh. Cuts in Graphs with Matroid Constraints
  • Lukasz Kowalik. Edge-coloring sparse graphs with $\Delta$ colors in quasilinear time


PC Chairs

PC Members (Track A)
  • Josh Alman, Columbia University
  • Sayan Bhattacharya, University of Warwick
  • Andreas Björklund, IT University of Copenhagen
  • Gerth Stølting Brodal, Aarhus University
  • Jean Cardinal, Université libre de Bruxelles
  • Timothy Chan (chair), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
  • Yi-Jun Chang, National University of Singapore
  • Panagiotis Charalampopoulos, Birkbeck, University of London
  • Li Chen, Carnegie Mellon University
  • Vida Dujmović, University of Ottawa
  • Moran Feldman, University of Haifa
  • Jeremy Fineman, Georgetown University
  • Nick Fischer, Weizmann Institute
  • Emily Fox, University of Texas at Dallas
  • Loukas Georgiadis, University of Ioannina
  • Petr Golovach, University of Bergen
  • Nick Gravin, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics
  • Elena Grigorescu, Purdue University
  • Thekla Hamm, Utrecht University
  • Bart M. P. Jansen, Eindhoven University of Technology
  • Adam Karczmarz, University of Warsaw and IDEAS NCBR
  • Ken-ichi Kawarabayashi, National Institute of Informatics, Japan
  • Laura Vargas Koch, University of Bonn
  • László Kozma, Freie Universität Berlin
  • Bundit Laekhanukit, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics
  • Alexandra Lassota, Eindhoven University of Technology
  • Hung Le, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
  • Moshe Lewenstein, Bar-Ilan University
  • Nikhil Mande, University of Liverpool
  • Tillmann Miltzow, Utrecht University
  • Matthias Mnich, Hamburg University of Technology
  • Yakov Nekrich, Michigan Technological University
  • Mohammad Salavatipour, University of Alberta
  • Laura Sanità, Bocconi University
  • Saket Saurabh, Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai
  • Roohani Sharma, Max-Planck Institute for Informatics
  • Anastasios Sidiropoulos, University of Illinois at Chicago
  • Makrand Sinha, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
  • Seeun William Umboh, The University of Melbourne
  • Pavel Veselý, Charles University
  • Adrian Vladu, CNRS & IRIF, Université Paris Cité
  • Erik Waingarten, University of Pennsylvania
  • Yinzhan Xu, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • Yuichi Yoshida, National Institute of Informatics, Japan
  • Samson Zhou, Texas A&M University
  • Goran Žužić, Google Research, Zürich

PC Members (Track B)
  • Carola Doerr, CNRS and Sorbonne University
  • Jonas Ellert, École Normale Supérieure Paris
  • Johannes Fischer (chair), TU Dortmund University
  • Yan Gu, University of California at Riverside
  • Sharat Ibrahimpur, London School of Economics
  • Stephen Kobourov, University of Arizona
  • Dominik Köppl, University of Yamanashi
  • Florian Kurpicz, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
  • Zsuzsanna Liptak, University of Verona
  • Quanquan Liu, Yale University
  • Ulrich Meyer, Goethe University Frankfurt
  • André Nusser, CNRS and Inria Center at Université Côte d’Azur
  • Valentin Polishchuk, Linköping University
  • Rajeev Raman, University of Leicester
  • Leena Salmela, University of Helsinki
  • Lena Schlipf, University of Tübingen
  • Christiane Schmidt, Linköping University
  • Bob Sedgewick, Princeton University
  • Darren Strash, Hamilton College

PC Members (Track S)
  • Philip Bille, Technical University of Denmark
  • Greg Bodwin, University of Michigan
  • Yixin Cao, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
  • Talya Eden, Bar-Ilan University
  • Fabrizio Frati, Università degli Studi Roma Tre
  • Maximilian Probst Gutenberg, Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich
  • Torben Hagerup, Universität Augsburg
  • John Iacono (chair), Université libre de Bruxelles
  • Katharina Klost, Freie Universität Berlin
  • Sixue Cliff Liu, Carnegie Mellon University
  • Pat Morin, Carleton University
  • Christopher Musco, New York University
  • Alantha Newman, Université Grenoble Alpes
  • Eric Price, The University of Texas at Austin
  • Jakub Radoszewski, University of Warsaw and Samsung R&D Warsaw
  • Bettina Speckmann, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven
  • Sebastian Wild, University of Liverpool
  • David P. Williamson, Cornell University

Steering Committee
  • Hannah Bast, University of Freiburg
  • Timothy Chan, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
  • Shiri Chechik, Tel Aviv University
  • Martin Farach-Colton, Rutgers University
  • Johannes Fischer, Technical University of Dortmund
  • Inge Li Gørtz, Technical University of Denmark
  • John Iacono, Université libre de Bruxelles
  • Petra Mutzel, University of Bonn
  • Gonzalo Navarro, Universidad de Chile
  • Rasmus Pagh (chair), University of Copenhagen
  • Solon P. Pissis, CWI
  • Simon J. Puglisi, University of Helsinki
  • Eva Rotenberg, Technical University of Denmark
  • Sabine Storandt, University of Konstanz