
The 20th International Symposium on Algorithmics of Wireless Networks (ALGOWIN), previously known as ALGOSENSORS, is an international symposium dedicated to the algorithmic aspects of wireless networks. It covers algorithmic issues arising in wireless networks of all types of computational entities, mobile or static, including sensor networks, sensor-actuator networks, and autonomous robots and drones. The focus is on the design and analysis of algorithms, models of computation, graph and network algorithms, and experimental analysis.
ALGOWIN 2024 will be held at Royal Holloway, University of London in Egham, United Kingdom. It will be part of ALGO 2024, which also hosts ESA, IPEC, ATMOS, ALGOCLOUD, WABI, and WAOA.

Important Dates

  • Full Paper Submission : June 7 June 29, 2024 (AoE)
  • Notification to authors: August 1, 2024
  • Camera-ready submission: August 30, 2024
  • Conference dates: September 5-6, 2024

Invited Speaker

Petra Berenbrink

Title: The Population Model as Model for Sensor-Networks

Abstract: In this talk I will introduce the population model and motivate why it is a good model for wireless computing. Then I will give an overview over results in the model which are relevant to wireless computing: leader election, majority, broadcast and clock synchronisation.

Bio: Petra Berenbrink got her PhD in Paderborn in 2000 and spent two years as a postdoc with Leslie Goldberg at Warwick. From 2002 to 2016, she was at SFU, Canada (from assistant professor to full professor). Since 2016, she has been at the University of Hamburg

Accepted Papers

  • A 1.5-approximation algorithm for activating 2 disjoint st-paths.
    Zeev Nutov and Dawod Kahba.
  • Bike Assisted Evacuation on a Line of Robots with Communication Faults.
    Khaled Jawhar and Evangelos Kranakis.
  • Channel Allocation Revisited Through 1-Extendability of Graphs.
    Anthony Busson, Malory Marin and Rémi Watrigant.
  • Collision Detection for Modular Robots — it is easy to cause collisions and hard to avoid them.
    Siddharth Gupta, Marc van Kreveld, Othon Michail and Andreas Padalkin.
  • Collision-Free Robot Scheduling.
    Duncan Adamson, Nathan Flaherty, Igor Potapov and Paul Spirakis.
  • Decreasing Verification Radius in Local Certification.
    Josef Erik Sedláček, Jan Matyáš Křišťan, Laurent Feuilloley and Jan Janoušek.
  • Modular Population Protocols.
    Michael Raskin.
  • On Permutation Selectors and Their Applications in Ad-Hoc Radio Networks Protocols.
    Jordan Kuschner, Yugarshi Shashwat, Sarthak Yadav and Marek Chrobak.
  • On the Exponential Growth of Geometric Shapes.
    Nada Almalki, Siddharth Gupta and Othon Michail.
  • On the Min-Max Star Partitioning Number.
    Sarah Feldmann and Torben Schürenberg.
  • Optimizing Robot Dispersion on Unoriented Grids: with and without Fault Tolerance.
    Rik Banerjee, Manish Kumar and Anisur Rahaman Molla.
  • Reconfigurable Routing in Data Center Networks.
    David Kutner and Iain Stewart.
  • The Exact Spanning Ratio of the Parallelogram Delaunay Graph.
    Sandrine Njoo, Prosenjit Bose and Jean-Lou De Carufel.
  • The Threshold of Existence of δ-Temporal Cliques in Random Simple Temporal Graphs.
    George Mertzios, Sotiris Nikoletseas, Christoforos Raptopoulos and Paul Spirakis.

Call for Papers

Original research contributions are solicited related to diverse algorithmic aspects of sensor networks, wireless networks, broadly construed, as well as distributed robotics, including the theoretical, experimental and application perspectives.


Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Ad Hoc Networks
  • Autonomous Mobile Robots
  • Communication Protocols
  • Complexity and Computability
  • Computational Models
  • Data Aggregation and Fusion
  • Distributed Aspects of Group Search
  • Dynamic Networks, Temporal Graphs
  • Energy Management, Power Saving Schemes
  • Fault Tolerance and Dependability
  • Game Theoretic Aspects
  • Infrastructure Discovery
  • Internet of Things
  • Localization
  • Medium Access Control
  • Mobility and Dynamics
  • Obstacle Avoidance
  • Pattern Formation
  • Performance Evaluation, Experimental Analysis
  • Population Protocols, Swarm Computing
  • Resource Efficiency
  • RFID Algorithms
  • Routing and Data Propagation
  • Self-stabilization, Self-* Properties
  • Sensor Networks
  • Systems and Testbeds
  • Time Synchronization
  • Topology Control
  • Tracking
  • Unmanned Autonomous Entities
  • Virtual Infrastructures


Program Committee (preliminary list)
  • Eleni C. Akrida, Durham University
  • Petra Berenbrink, University of Hamburg
  • Binh-Minh Bui-Xuan, LIP6 (CNRS — SU UPMC)
  • Christelle Caillouet, Université Côte d’Azur
  • Monika Csikos, IRIF Université Paris Cité
  • Fabien Dufoulon, Lancaster University
  • Thomas Erlebach, Durham University
  • Paola Flocchini, University of Ottawa
  • Francesca Fossati, Sorbonne University
  • Jie Gao, Rutgers University
  • Oana Iova, INSA Lyon
  • Sayaka Kamei, Hiroshima University
  • Ralf Klasing, CNRS and University of Bordeaux
  • Danny Krizanc, Wesleyan University
  • Pierre Leone, University of Geneva
  • Andrea Marino, Dipartimento di Statistica, Informatica, Applicazioni ‘G. Parenti’ (DiSIA)
  • Hendrik Molter, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
  • Jason Schoeters, University of Cambridge
  • Ana Silva, Universidade Federal do Ceara
  • George Skretas, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam
  • Paul Spirakis, University of Liverpool
  • Yuichi Sudo, Hosei University

Steering Committee
  • Jie Gao, Rutgers University, USA
  • Magnus M. Halldorsson, Reykjavik U., Iceland
  • Bhaskar Krishnamachari, U. of Southern California, USA
  • P.R. Kumar, Texas A&M U., USA
  • Sotiris Nikoletseas, U. of Patras and CTI, Greece (Chair)
  • Jose Rolim, U. of Geneva
  • Christian Scheideler, Paderborn University, Germany
  • Paul Spirakis, U. of Liverpool, UK


The conference proceedings will be published in the Springer “Lecture Notes in Computer Science” series after the conference (expected October 2024).

Special Issue

Selected papers will be invited to a special issue of the Theoretical Computer Science journal.

Paper Submission

Papers are to be submitted electronically using the EasyChair server ( The submissions must contain original results that have not already been published and are not concurrently submitted to a journal or conference with published proceedings. By submitting a paper, the authors acknowledge that in case of acceptance at least one of the authors will register for ALGO/ALGOWIN 2024 and present the paper.

Submissions must be in the form of a single pdf file prepared using the LNCS latex templates and style files (available, together with Springer’s authors’ guidelines, from Springer’s proceedings LaTeX templates are also available on Overleaf (

Each submission should consist of the main part of the paper, not exceeding 12 pages (including the title page and excluding the references), plus an optional clearly marked appendix (to be read at the discretion of the program committee). Any figure pertaining to the main part of the paper should be included therein (within the 12 page limit). The first page must include an indication of whether the paper is eligible for the best student paper award.

Instructions for Double-Blind Review

The reviewing process is double-blind, the authors’ names must not be included in the paper, and the writing of the manuscript should be done in such a way to not de-anonymize authors (e.g., instead of, our result [1], they should use, the result of [1]). We assume that reviewers do not actively try to recognize the authors. Therefore, authors are allowed to publish their results on pre-print services before or at any point of the submission/reviewing process. Non-anonymous submissions will be rejected.


Awards will be given to the best paper and the best student paper. The awards are kindly sponsored by Springer. To be eligible for the best student paper award, at least one of the paper authors must be a full-time student at the time of submission, and the student(s) must have made a significant contribution to the paper. The program committee may decline to make these awards or may split them. The program committee may decline to make these awards or may split them.