The International Symposium on Parameterized and Exact Computation(IPEC) is an annual conference covering all aspects of parameterized and exact algorithms and complexity. Its 18th edition will be part of ALGO 2023, which also hosts ESA 2023 and other specialized conferences and workshops. We are excited that ALGO 2023 is planned as an in-person conference and we look forward to seeing you there!
Important Dates
Abstract submission / paper registration: June 27th (23:59 AoE)
Submission deadline: June 30th (23:59 AoE)
Notification: August 1st
IPEC dates Sept. 6—8 (Wed-Fri)
Camera-ready version: Oct. 9th
AoE=Anywhere on Earth (UTC-12)
Accepted Papers
Max Bannach, Florian Chudigiewitsch and Till Tantau. Existential Second-Order Logic over Graphs: Parameterized Complexity
Ilan Doron, Ariel Kulik and Hadas Shachnai. Budgeted Matroid Maximization: a Parameterized Viewpoint
Maël Dumas and Anthony Perez. An improved kernelization algorithm for Trivially Perfect Editing
Eduard Eiben, Robert Ganian, Iyad Kanj, Sebastian Ordyniak and Stefan Szeider. From Data Completion to Problems on Hypercubes: A Parameterized Analysis of the Independent Set Problem
Hisao Tamaki. A contraction-recursive algorithm for treewidth
Emmanuel Arrighi, Matthias Bentert, Pål Grønås Drange, Blair D. Sullivan and Petra Wolf. Cluster Editing with Overlapping Communities
Sriram Bhyravarapu, Satyabrata Jana, Saket Saurabh and Roohani Sharma. Difference Determines the Degree: Structural Kernelizations of Component Order Connectivity
Call for Papers
The 18th International Symposium on Parameterized and Exact Computation (IPEC 2023) invites papers presenting original research in the area of parameterized and exact algorithms and complexity.
The topics include but are not limited to:
new techniques for the design and analysis of parameterized and exact algorithms;
fixed-parameter tractability and kernelization results;
parameterized complexity theory;
parameterized (in)approximability results;
relationships between parameterized complexity and traditional complexity classifications;
applications of parameterized and exact computation;
engineering and experimentation of exact, parameterized, and kernelization algorithms.
PACE 2023
The Parameterized Algorithms and Computational Experiments Challenge (PACE) was conceived in Fall 2015 to deepen the relationship between parameterized algorithms and practice. Topics from multivariate algorithms, exact algorithms, fine-grained complexity, and related fields are in scope.
The challenge this year is a fascinating new width parameter: twinwidth. It was introduced at FOCS 2020 by Bonnet, Kim, Thomassé, and Watrigant and has seen an enormous amount of interest in the research community resulting in papers at, e.g., SODA 2021, ICALP 2021, STOC 2022, SODA 2022, and ICALP 2022. Nevertheless, very little is known about practically computing contraction sequences of small width. We hope to remedy this situation in this year’s PACE challenge.
For more details on the timeline and past challenges, please visit the PACE website.
Authors of accepted papers are expected to present their work at the symposium, and to incorporate the comments from the program committee. The conference proceedings will be published in the Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs) series after the conference.
Submission Guidelines
Authors are invited to submit an anonymized extended abstract, which should contain a summary of the main results, their motivation and importance, and evidence of their correctness. The authors should take particular notice that the extended abstract presents their work in a comprehensible and self-contained way. The quality of the presentation in the extended abstract will be taken into account by the program committee.
The conference employs a lightweight double-blind reviewing process. Submissions should not reveal the identity of the authors in any way. In particular, authors’ names, affiliations, and email addresses should not appear at the beginning or in the body of the submission. Authors should ensure that any references to their own related work is in the third person (e.g., not “We build on our previous work …” but rather “We build on the work of …”). Nothing should be done in the name of anonymity that weakens the submission or makes the job of reviewing the paper more difficult. In particular, references should not be omitted or anonymized.
Authors must submit their papers electronically via EasyChair. Papers must be formatted in LIPIcs style; no changes to font size, page margins, etc., are permitted. Line numbers must be activated. There is no page limit for the submission, but the PC may only look at the first 10 pages, so make sure the most important information appears early. Results previously published in conference proceedings or a journal (or scheduled for publication prior to IPEC) will not be considered.
Authors are encouraged to make the full, de-anonymized versions of their submissions freely accessible in an online repository such as arXiv or ECCC. Program committee members (except the co-chairs) are allowed to submit papers.
Final submission guidelines: The final submission will be made in LIPIcs format, with a higher page limit of 15 pages plus bibliography (no appendix). More details will follow from LIPIcs upon acceptance. The submissions will be published as post-proceedings.
IPEC takes conflicts of interest, both real and perceived, seriously. Authors are responsible for declaring conflicts of interest with any of the PC members. You have a conflict of interest with:
past advisors and students;
people with the same affiliation; and
any recent (≤3 years) coauthors and collaborators.
Program Committee
Akanksha Agrawal (IIT Madras, India) Cristina Bazgan (Paris Dauphine University, France) Robert Bredereck (TU Clausthal, Germany) Eduard Eiben (Royal Holloway, University of London, UK) Archontia Giannopoulou (University of Athens, Greece) Pallavi Jain (IIT Jodhpur, India) Bart M. P. Jansen (Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands) Mark Jones (TU Delft, Netherlands) Christian Knauer (Universität Bayreuth, Germany) Dusan Knop (Czech Technical University, Czech Republic) Bingkai Lin (Nanjing University, China) Neeldhara Misra (IIT Gandhinagar, India) (co-chair) André Nichterlein (TU Berlin, Germany) Sebastian Ordyniak (University of Leeds, UK) Fahad Panolan (IIT Hydrebad, India) Daniel Paulusma (Durham University, UK) R.B. Sandeep (IIT Dharwad, India) Magnus Wahlström (Royal Holloway, University of London, UK) (co-chair)